
Transaction Fees

$ASET is used to pay transaction fees on the platform, including those for buying, selling, and listing assets. This ensures a seamless and efficient process for users interacting with the AssetLink ecosystem.

Staking and Rewards

Users can stake $ASET tokens to earn rewards, which are distributed from a portion of the transaction fees collected on the platform. The rewards system is designed to incentivize long-term holding and active participation, offering higher returns for longer commitments.


$ASET holders have the ability to participate in governance decisions, such as voting on platform upgrades, new features, and other critical developments. This decentralized approach ensures that the community has a voice in the direction of AssetLink.

Access to Premium Features

Holding $ASET grants users access to premium features on the platform, such as advanced analytics provided by Linka, AssetLink’s AI-driven tool. These features offer users deeper insights and personalized recommendations, enhancing their investment strategies.

Last updated